Healthy Recipes
Find some recipes designed and "tasted" by the Herbal Magic team to support your weight loss journey and to take the stress out of meal planning.
Spring Shepherd's Pie
Serves 6. One serving = 1 Vegetable, 1 Extra, ¾ Protein, ½ Fat, ½ Starch, & ½ Dairy
Vegan Spring Tofu Bowl
Serves 4. One serving = 1½ Vegetable, 1½ Fat, 1 Starch, 1 Extra, & ¾ Protein
Healthy Crock Pot Chicken Pot Pie
Serves 4. One serving = 2 Extra, 1½ Fat, 1 Protein, 1 Vegetable, & ¾ Starch
Mango Kale Smoothie
Serves 2. One serving = 1 Vegetable, 1 Fruit, 1 Extra, ½ Protein, ½ Starch, & ½ Dairy
Light Yellow Lentil Soup
Serves 6. One serving = 1 Vegetable, 1 Extra, ¾ Protein, ½ Starch, & ½ Fat